African wildlife


Comparing the Speed of Lions and Cheetahs, Who is the Fastest Predators

A detailed comparison of the speed, hunting strategies, and ecological adaptations of lions and cheetahs, highlighting their unique roles in the African savannah.

Comparing the Speed of Lions and Cheetahs, Who is the Fastest Predators Joy Safari Bay 6 Mins Read

What Baboon Eats: The Key to Their Role as Pests and Predators

Baboons, adaptable omnivores, consume a variety of foods, including crops and meat, leading to significant conflicts with African farmers and ecological impacts.

What Baboon Eats: The Key to Their Role as Pests and Predators Joy Safari Bay 5 Mins Read

Challenges Giraffes Face in the Wild and their survival strategies

Giraffes face numerous challenges in the wild, including habitat loss, predation, water scarcity, human-wildlife conflict, disease, and climate change, requiring adaptive conservation efforts.

Challenges Giraffes Face in the Wild and their survival strategies Joy Safari Bay 4 Mins Read
South Africa

Witnessing the End: The Last Days of Skybed Scar Lion

At Kruger National Park and Game Reserve, I witnessed elephants chase a starving African Lion named Skybed Scar from a waterhole that resulted in its death.

Witnessing the End: The Last Days of Skybed Scar Lion Joy Safari Bay 6 Mins Read
Africa India

Can Elephant mate with rhino and give an offspring?

Elephants belong to the family Elephantidae, and there are three extant species: the African bush elephant, the African forest elephant, and the Asian elephant.

Can Elephant mate with rhino and give an offspring? Joy Safari Bay 2 Mins Read

Rescue Mission to Saving Naturinda Lion from Poacher’s Grip

Naturinda Lion, the lioness who defied the odds and captured hearts, is gone. Her journey, marked by a poacher's snare, a daring rescue, and a fierce battle for survival, is a testament to the harsh realities of wildlife conservation.

Rescue Mission to Saving Naturinda Lion from Poacher’s Grip Joy Safari Bay 9 Mins Read

Elephant vs Rhino: Elephant and Rhinoceros Engage in Intense Battle for Dominance

Elephants are generally peaceful animals, but there are certain conditions that can trigger aggressive behavior related to hunger or competition for resources.

Elephant vs Rhino: Elephant and Rhinoceros Engage in Intense Battle for Dominance Joy Safari Bay 3 Mins Read
Kenya Tanzania

Serengeti vs Masai Mara - The Best Safari Destination Revealed

The Serengeti National Park and the Maasai Mara National Reserve are two of the most popular safari destinations in Africa. Both parks are home to an abundance of wildlife

Serengeti vs Masai Mara - The Best Safari Destination Revealed Joy Safari Bay 4 Mins Read
Kenya Tanzania

Kenya vs Tanzania safari, Which place is the Best to visit this year?

If you're an adventurer at heart and an enthusiast of the wild, you've probably dreamed of an African safari. Kenya and Tanzania, two of Africa's most iconic safari destinations, are top contenders.

Kenya vs Tanzania safari, Which place is the Best to visit this year? Joy Safari Bay 3 Mins Read
South Africa

Do you wonder Why Male Lions Sometimes Kill Cubs

In the seemingly idyllic world of the animal kingdom, there exist behaviors that challenge our understanding of nature. One such perplexing phenomenon is the killing of cubs by male lions.

Do you wonder Why Male Lions Sometimes Kill Cubs Joy Safari Bay 2 Mins Read

Northern Tanzania Safari is the most popular destination to visit in Africa

Embarking on a Northern Tanzania safari is an immersion into the raw beauty of the African wilderness and a celebration of its cultural diversity, Let find out why you should visit this place

Northern Tanzania Safari is the most popular destination to visit in Africa Joy Safari Bay 8 Mins Read
South Africa Zimbabwe

Fears for the future of baby elephant that lost its trunk

If an elephant loses the trunk, how will the elephant survive in the harsh wild world with countless enemies who are ready to wait for the opportunity to attack?

Fears for the future of baby elephant that lost its trunk Joy Safari Bay 12 Mins Read

Top video guide day by day on what you will find when visiting Tanzania (Must Watch)

Tanzania is one of the best countries to visit in Africa! Enjoy this travel guide featuring the most incredible places in Tanzania. From hiking to the top of Mt. Kilimanjaro

Top video guide day by day on what you will find when visiting Tanzania (Must Watch) Joy Safari Bay 8 Mins Read

Elephants possess a remarkable level of emotional awareness

Emotional intelligence in elephants is a fascinating topic, as elephants are known to possess a remarkable level of emotional awareness

Elephants possess a remarkable level of emotional awareness Joy Safari Bay 4 Mins Read

Curious Lioness Discovers Camera, Delights Cubs with a New Toy

In the vast wilderness of an African savannah, a thrilling encounter between a curious lioness and a curious camera unfolded, creating a heartwarming and unique story.

Curious Lioness Discovers Camera, Delights Cubs with a New Toy Joy Safari Bay 4 Mins Read