Witnessing the End: The Last Days of Skybed Scar Lion

At Kruger National Park and Game Reserve, I witnessed elephants chase a starving African Lion named Skybed Scar from a waterhole that resulted in its death.

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Posted by Joy Safari Bay
Witnessing the End: The Last Days of Skybed Scar Lion

We woke to a dark, cloudy day and rain in the Kruger National Park. It was Day Two of five in Kruger after five days of safari in the Ingwelala Private Game Reserve in South Africa. Our agenda for the day was to locate and photograph lions, one of the Big 5 that had eluded us thus far. We have had plenty of other wildlife sightings over the last week, including two of the other members of the Big 5, cape buffalo and elephants. Greg Parker and me set off in our private vehicle rather than in an organized game drive from the reserve. This allowed us to wander freely at our own speed and in locations of our choosing. Greg has been to Kruger many times and a lifelong resident of South Africa and an avid photographer.

After about an hour of driving we came across a small group of four cars that had stopped and pulled to the side of the road. Located in the high grass and within several low-lying trees and brush was a pride of lions consisting of two males, three females and three cubs.

We spend almost two hours photographing the pride as the rain continued under the dark skies. During this time the cubs played with mock attacks on each other, the males remained separate from one another only clashing once and the females roamed the grasses or lay next to one of the males.

Male and Female lion at Kruger National Park, Photo by Larry Pannell
Male and Female lion at Kruger National Park, Photo by Larry Pannell

At one point, a female walked through the grass calling for her cubs. She covered an area of about the size of a football field and disappeared behind us. I continued to take photographs out the car window, as you are not allowed to leave your vehicle in Kruger for safety reasons and for the well-being of the animals.

In a quiet voice, Greg leaned over and said, “Larry, look in the side view mirror”. Glancing down, I saw the lioness approaching the car on the shoulder of the road only a few feet away. I asked if I should roll up the window and Greg said just to be quiet, still, and calm.

She walked right next to my open window. I could have literally reached out and touched her as she kept walking past me without a care in the world. She veered to her left, entering the field again, calling to the cubs, which now were running towards her.

Sleeping lion family at Kruger National Park, Photo by Larry Pannell
Sleeping lion family at Kruger National Park, Photo by Larry Pannell

Soon after, we began driving again in search for more wildlife and hopefully another pride of lions. We were not to be disappointed as within 30 minutes about ten miles away we spotted another pride. This one consisted of three males and one female. The female was injured and could not put any weight on her right front leg as she limped around the out stretched male lions sleeping in the midday sun. Sometimes one would roll over with their huge bellies stuffed from a recent kill, legs flopping from one side to the other.

After spending time photographing two prides, we continued down the dirt rode in search of other opportunities, neither of us having any idea of what we about to witness.

We decided to try an area where we found a small herd of elephants the day before, that was near a watering hole called Rabelias Dam near Orpen Camp. Upon arriving, we notice a large male lion crouching on the shore.

As our cameras clicked away, you could see something was off, his posture just did not look right. On closer examination looking through the lens his left hind leg was protruding and at a strange angle. After he had his fill of water, he struggled to his feet, hardly able to stand. What you did not notice while he was drinking, he literally was nothing but skin and bones.

Skybed Scar Drinking water, Photo by Larry Pannell
Skybed Scar Drinking water, Photo by Larry Pannell

He slowly moved away from the water and staggered as if he was drunk towards a small rise. Every few steps, he would stop to catch his breath, his head hanging low until he had enough energy to take a few more steps. Upon reaching the rise, he turned to face the water hole and began his slow descent to the ground. About halfway down, he collapsed the rest of the way. It was evident he was in his last days, if not his last hours on this earth.

Skybed Scar slowly waking away, Photo by Larry Pannell
Skybed Scar slowly waking away, Photo by Larry Pannell

As we continued to watch this once beautiful and strong lion, a small herd of elephants arrived at the water's edge. The elephants drank, played, squirting water into the air over themselves and others to cool down from the day's heat.

One of the larger elephants left the others and walked towards the rise not far from where the lion had collapsed, as if to stand guard over the herd. At first, he did not notice the lion lying low in the grass about 30 yards (ca. 27 m) away, trying to stay out of sight.

Elephant chasing Skybed Scar, Photo by Larry Pannell
Elephant chasing Skybed Scar, Photo by Larry Pannell

Then in an instant the elephant reared, ears outstretched and flapping as he took several steps back, trumpeted and charged the lion. Upon hearing the elephant start his charge all the other elephants started to charge as well, trunks in the air trumpeting as the ran towards the lion.

Maybe in his younger more virile days the lion would have tried to make a stand, at least roar at the top of his lungs. But not now, now it took every bit of energy he had to get to his feet, turn, and run.

Skybed Scar lying in the grass, exhausted, Photo by Larry Pannell
Skybed Scar lying in the grass, exhausted, Photo by Larry Pannell

After everything settled down, Greg and I drove to find the lion. We found him lying in the grass, exhausted, unable to move. We were no more than five feet from him as he lay dying in the shade of a tree. Dropping my camera, we stared at one another, locking eyes for what seemed for an eternity. I just wanted him to know that he would not die alone as he struggled to breath, his chest rising only every so often. Then a last twitch of an ear, his last breath, he was gone. The King was dead.

Finally Skybed Scar died photo by Larry Pannell
Finally Skybed Scar died photo by Larry Pannell

Over the years as a photojournalist, I have photographed people that had lost everything in earthquakes, fires, and landslides, people that had been injured, people that were dying. But I have never photographed anything as sad as this majestic animal, the true king of the beasts and master of his domain. I will never forget what I was so privileged to have witnessed.

Article written by: Larry Parnell
Original story link: https://travelguideandphotogra...

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Posted by: Joy Safari Bay Senior Editor
I am a nature lover with a passion for adventure and storytelling. Through my blog, I share my experiences exploring Africa's wilderness and promoting conservation efforts. With my writing and advocacy work, I hope to inspire others to explore and protect the natural world.